Botcon and OTFCC, the official worldwide conventions dedicated to The Transformers. Exclusive toys, video rooms, exclusive toys, fan panels, exclusive toys, dealer rooms, and exclusive toys. And the best part is, they have exclusive toys. Held every year in different locations around the country. Below is a log of my trips. Yes, the electronic equivalent of old people's vacation slides. I'll attempt to be more interesting.
| BotCon 1998 | BotCon 1999 | BotCon 2000 | BotCon 2001 | BotCon 2002 | OTFCC 2003 |
| 2004 Conventions | BotCon 2005 | 2006 Conventions | McBotcon 2007 | McBotcon 2009 |
| State of the Fandom 2009 | State of the Fandom 2010 | Comicon 2011 |
| Dark of the Moon Toy Release Day! | State of the Fandom 2012 | State of the Fandom 2013 |
| State of the Fandom 2014 | State of the Fandom 2014 Rebuttal |
| REVENGE of State of the Fandom 2014: TF Con-Job! | TF Con Sunday |
| State of the Fandom 2016: Giving Up Forever! | State of the Fandom 2016 Part 2: The Last TFcon Job |
Why not visit Botcon when it was still good? I always do!