Greetings, fellows of the TF Militia! First, I would like to thank you once again for asking my to serve as Director of Security here at TFM. Let me assure you that I will do my best to uphold the high standards set by the others in our fine organization. It is a unique challenge, and one that I look forward to. It's tough to be running an organization like TFM in these increasingly difficult times, what with a spiraling out of control liberal capitalist free enterprise system on one side, and a flawed conservative meddling big brother rights crushing government on the other side. Negotiating ones way thru this perpetual minefield, while tring to take a moral stand on an issue so close to our hearts and minds, is a daunting task to say the least. True to the dream, our founders have layed the groundwork for us, and pointed the way. We will honor their labors, and continue with their laudable goals. It has been an interesting year for the world of Transformers. Popularity of the line has seen an increase as never before, with a new generation of collectors lurking just around the corner, joining our brothers and sisters who have been one with the cause since it's inception. As a result of this extra attention, we have a predictable increase in dealer activity as the existing supply of toys stretches even thinner. They smell the scent of a fresh profit, and move in with their greedy paws, eager to make their dollar. The evil of dealers surrounds us, and it falls to us to stop them. And stop them we shall! We have put up with their abuses long enough! The Vision of the TFM holds strong and true and pure: to save the transformers, no matter the cost! So many worthwhile causes in TF-dom. The fanfics. The conventions. The newsgroups. And now, finally, thanks to the birth and continued health of TFM, a protector for the toys themselves. The fans have waited so long for salvation in this area; and I am proud to be part of the organization that puts the final piece of the puzzle into its proper place. We are the ones the fans can call upon in their darkest hour, the forces of light shining brightly against the dark hearts of the dealers. I vow to hold firm to our Vision as we continue to go on the offensive, helping those who are one with the cause, and striking down those who would stand in the way of our goal: freedom to the transformers! Through us, our fellow collectors can stop cowering in the face of the dealers, and take the fight to them! Join us as we approach the dawn of a new millenium, and help us in our goal to take back what rightfully belongs to us, no matter what the cost! Until all are one, brothers and sisters. May your luster never dull, and your wires never cross. Yours in the Cause;
The Futuristgroup |