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Dairyland Transfans Unite!

The Wisconsin Transfans take down a local dealer, and bring glory to tfm.

Declassified by Chief of Security 7-25-99

This mission actually took place a few years back, before TFM made the national scene. It is only now that we are allowed to decalssify it, as per our agreement with DTF

It was a mission unlike any other. DTF, the Dairyland Transfans Association, sought out the help of TFM with regards to a pesky dealer issue. It would seem that this particular dealer used and abused members of the organization for their tf knowledge. When he had learned enough, he cut them off from all transformers in his inventory. No amount of money would console him; he kept the toys out of their reach simply because he took pleasure in their suffering, occasionally selling some of them at outrageous prices on ebay, but mostly hoarding them for some unspecified purpose.

It was a textbook case of an evil dealer. And we had a textbook answer.

We invited the members of DTF to join TFM. They were very hesitant; after all, a militia-style of tf gathering went against every notion they held dear in collecting tfs. In the end, the organization chose to remain independent. We had to respect that. TFM is not for everyone, and it is not our way to force anyone to join us. They must choose to do so. However, even though DTF did not join, they did choose four represenatives to cooperate with TFM on one mission. That mission: to secure the hostage tfs from this one dealer. When all other methods of negotiation failed, they turned to us. So we welcomed these four volunteers into our midst: frankshome, palze, futuristgroup, and skyjammer. After the mission, two of these individuals chose to stay with TFM. The others went back home to DTF, with a portion of the prize; an entire storage unit full of transformers...

The terms of the exchange were this: TFM would only train these volunteers, in exchange for a portion of the haul. DTF would be solely responsible for the mission. It was a deal that made both organizations happy.

The details of the training, as always, remain a secret known only to the members of TFM. However, the mission profile is now available. So if you want to know how it all came down, read on.

The target: kevin at Planet Z collectibles. Runs a small shop in the downtown area of his hometown. Keeps the bulk of his inventory in the basement of his parent's home just a few blocks away from the store. What was done: 5:45pm skyjammer distracted kevin while he was at the store, delaying him there, giving the other operatives the time they needed at the primary target site; the parents home. While skyjammer has kevin rolling on the floor laughing from his waspinator impression, he reaches over the counter and unplugs the store phone, thereby avoiding any calls that might interfere with the plan.

Meanwhile, frankshome, the smallest of the operatives, is busily slipping into a basement window of the parent's house. He gets in, and approaches the furnace to the home. Popping off the cover to the unit, he eyes the electrical diagram pasted on the cover, and makes a quick adjustment to the blower unit. thermostat thus bypassed, the blower begins to run constantly. frankshome breaks open a vial of liquid, and tosses it into the vent in front of the blower. He quickly dons a gasmask, and begins to count off the seconds on his watch...

5:57pm, across the street, futuristgroup watches the target home from the drivers seat of their transport vehicle, a blue 89 cargovan temporarily repainted with black fingerpaint, and possessing plates from a vehicle sitting in the junkyard. Palze is sitting on the passenger side, listening to a transmission from the secondary target; the store that skyjammer is keeping the dealer occupied in. In addition, he tunes in to a scanner with the local police frequency locked in; seems that there is nothing to report. The neighbors are indifferent to the strange van on their block; apparently they are used to strange comings and goings from the house of a dealer, and thus pay it no heed.

6:00pm The front door to the house opens, and frankshome, gasmask hanging from a strap on his side, signals futuristgroup, who quickly backs the van into the driveway. All three operatives exit the vehicle and enter the home. The gas has worked the way it was designed; the occupents of the house are unconscious, and the gas dissapated quickly, allowing unrestricted movement. The dealers mother, father, and teenage sister are all sleeping peacefully, mother and father in the livingroom, daughter in her bedroom, and would remain so for the time needed to complete the objective.

Frankshome hands rubber gloves to futuristgroup and palze; gloves that match the ones he is wearing. No sense in taking any chances by leaving fingerprints on anything. This is of particular concern to futuristgroup, who by virtue of working for the goverment has his prints already on file. The same caution for not leaving any traces explains the use of the special jumpsuits, and the insistance of having all body hair removed prior to the mission. No sense leaving any personal evidence behind in any traceable form.

The trio proceeds to the basement of the dwelling, where the transformers are kept. The operative know exactly where to look, having been given detailed directions from a former dealer whip. 35 boxes, neatly sorted, and labeled, await the operatives. The gruntwork of hauling the boxes into the van proceeds without incident. 6:10pm boxes are succesfully.

6:22 pm van with the three operatives leaves the target site. Originally slated to leave at 6:12pm, but do to a delay involving frankshome, mission timeframe is set back. Van heads 15 blocks to a local carwash. Van is run thru the full wash cycle, rinsing off the black paint and revealing the blue paint underneath. Van and operatives leave carwash, park at the burger king across the street, and beep skyjammer, alerting him that it is time to go.

Skyjammer, in the midst of entertaining kevin at the store, recieves a page, recognizing it as the signal that it's time to go. He makes his goodbyes to kevin, and, noting the time, offers to help him close down the store for the night, seeing as how it's after 6pm. Kevin, wanting to get home in time to catch the last helf-hour of star trek, accepts skyjammer's help. While kevin goes to the front of the store to put up the closed sign, Skyjammer dials a number on his cell phone, and then abruptly hangs up, signaling to the three operatives in the van that the store, the secondary target site, is a go. He quickly goes to the back, pulls open the door, and places a piece of duct tape on the side of the door frame where the lock snaps in. When the door closes, it will no longer lock fully. Skyjammer quickly goes to the bank of light switches, turns off the lights to the store, and, spotting the alarm system within easy reach, turns the alarm box key to the left, disabling the system. Sky meets kevin in the front. Kevin and skyjammer exit the store, kevin locks the front door, and they say their goodbyes. Skyjammer takes off for home in his car, and kevin follows until the turnoff for his own dwelling.

6:40pm the blue van pulls up to the back door of the store thru the alley in back. Palze and frankshome enter the store thru the jammed open door left by skyjammer, making their way quickly to the transformer display case. Spotting some empty boxes, they grab them, and dump the contents of the case enmasse into them, and maks a quick dash to the exit. 6:27pm with the tfs fully loaded, the ductape is removed from the door jamb, and the alarm system key is turned back to the right. The system will reset in 15 seconds, enough time for the operatives to get out, and away. They pull the door shut behind them. Before entering the vehicle, palze pulls the fake plates from the vehicle, and tosses them into the van for later disposal back at the junkyard.

7:15pm Operatives report back to assigned TFM outpost. Due to the involvement of another organization, and thus a split in the proceeds from the mission, exact inventory numbers are not available, other than those provided for what made it into TFM inventory.

END mission log.

Annendium to mission log: cross-reference dtf membership with active tfm members. Two operatives remained with TFM; palze, and futuristgroup. Skyjammer returned to DTF. Frankshome is currently being detained, and under psychiatric care due to his straying from mission parameters. Details provided in another section of this mission report. Warning. Discretion advised when reading.

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