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Mission Completed 5-28-98. Declassified by chief of communications 5-16-99.

Subject: Belich's Nostalgia World
Contact: Codenamed "John"
Location: Classified

Advance scouts had spotted only a few tfs in the store display cases, but when our negotiator went in to get them, he was given a rather large surprise. Apparently, tfs weren't selling well for this dealer, so he kept the bulk of them in a storage room in the back. The quantity available was...staggering. The fact that such a large number of tfs were overlooked here was nothing short of amazing. And an inexcusable error on the part of the scouts, who should have done additional research before contacting HQ for a negotiator. Needless to say, the negotiator was caught off-guard, and was not able to effectively barter for an excellent price. While getting a fair price, with the number of units available it would still cost more than we had in the treasury. And the dealer had been fair and honest with us, so a military intervention was not considered an option.

So what to do? Up to now, TFM had been nothing more than a small guerilla force. Taken together, these individuals net worth did not add up to the proverbial hill of beans. How did they decide to get cash? Due to the nature of the information involved, details are not available to the public at this time, but in a nutshell the military arm of TFM had to spring an executive branch of sorts. Ranks were expanded to include those TF collectors with $$$, but no military experience. In exchance for cash, these individuals recieved not only a share of the haul, but were also allowed a say-so in future missions undertaken by TFM. The deal was made, the dollars recieved, and the TFs were hauled back to HQ and distributed accordingly. Everyone was happy. Will they continue to remain so? Only time will tell. Tf fans are an interesting group of people. United in the cause, we stand as one against a clearly defined enemy. All hail Primus!

Notes on inventory: 100 MIB units; 57 of which were distributed amongst the troups, 33 to the general public through the usual outlets, and 10 to the warehouse for long-term storage. 500 loose units, 250 of which were distributed to the troops, 150 to the general public tf fans, and 98 to the warehouse. 2 units were unaccounted for at the time of processing, and are presumed lost.

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