Created by Phil (Hellopike), Tarmac travels around the world in search of adventure! Join us as he visits the homes of Autocon members across the planet! |
Adventure 0: Hellopike and Black Tracks! Tarmac and Pearljack meet the newest member of the Hellopike family.
Adventure 1: Argus, and DutchbotConTF!
Adventure 2, Dairyland!
Adventure 3, Milwaukee!
Adventure 4, Cincinatti!
Adventure 5, Little Chute!
Adventure 6, Zebra!
Adventure 7, Portland!
Adventure 8, Tacoma!
Adventure 9, Blame Canada!
Adventure 10, Maz!
Intermission: Tarmac and Vector Sigma
Adventure 12, Maryland!
Adventure 13, 'A Scrambled City Artic Christmas'!
Adventure 14, Denmark!
Adventure 15, Massachusetts! *New*! Click on the list here to see where Tarmac has been, and how long before he gets to your house!!