The Starriors were originally slated to be an ongoing series of figures, complete with a television show and comics series (see the comics section for details on promotional materials). It ended up that only two series of these figures were released, the most recognisable being the robots in the series. It's an interesting naming situation going on for them. The robots are all referred to as Wastors, be they good or evil (Protector or Destructor) which makes it a mouthful to say Heroic Protector Wastor, or somesuch. :-) Each robot comes apart into it's basic components (head, torso, arms and legs). The head houses a small 'man' pilot (which is often confused by people as being the little pilot inside Optimus Prime). :-)
Each robot has a specific wind-up function. I've grouped these fellows by Gimmick instead of faction or series. The reason being, I'd like to highlight the shared molding on each of these figures. In almost all cases, the torso gimmick is changed (as is color) but in each case, the respective 'good guy and bad guy' share identical molding on their head, arms, and legs. :-) Note that in the first 4 cases, the bad guy is pictured on the left, and the good guy is on the right. In the last two, it's goodies, then baddies.
Both feature a turning drill in their torso (Crank was once a botanist). Mold-change on the drill (spikes versus threads).
Nice slicing wheel there, buddy. Pretty cool mold change.
Here's where it gets interesting again. Both feature the same internals, but while one claws and pinches, the other slices back and forth. :-) Weee.
We've recieved unconfirmed reports that Starriors could be recieved as mail-aways. I suppose it's possible, but I find it unlikely. Rather, these are either an after-market placement (someone sealed these up in sandwich bags) or they were part of the vendor promotional packages sent to retailers. (See the comics section for more information on vendor promotional materials.)