Fred's Workshop Site News

Extra, extra, read all about it!

January, 2022       Variquest: Transformers Variations is on Facebook! Join us for the conversation!

Cookie Crisp Jazz update to Autobots section of site.

May, 2014       Freds Workshop on Facebook: Tired of always being pestered to keep with the times (those times being defined as,'several years ago'), Freds Workshop can now be found on Facebook! All the quality and timeliness of the official Freds Workshop site, but with a facebook dot com in front of it! Redirects here! Completely useful! Wow!

June 22, 2011      Official relaunch of!

April 24, 2011      Site revealed to members-only Autocon group (the super-secret shadow-collectors organization dedicated to upholding the law).

Coming Events:

Summer 2011: a new issue of VariQuest revealed to the world! Stay tuned!

Fall 2011: Fred's Workshop Exclusive: Action Master Howlback revealed!

February, 2011      Annnnnnd we're back! 40 million seconds later, a site is reborn!

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