The many theories of overstock. The question: Did Diaclone/Microman toys end up in Transformers Packaging? One of the reasons why the question was asked: The very first TF catalog shows pictures of a blue Fairlady-Z ('blue Bluestreak') among others. Plus, there is this argument in some form or another always taking place. Clarification 1: We know that many of these pictures are of Pre-TF toys; mock-ups for the catalog that did not reflect what the actual final product would look like. It is a recurring theme; for example, Targetmasters Cyclonus and Scourge are pictured in the catalog with the wrong TM partners, and their colors are reversed from what the final product was. Clarification 2: People postulate that they got a Pre-TF toy in their Transformer package. Some people mis-remember seeing a blue Bluestreak on store shelves; others compare the copyrights on Pre-TF toys and Transformers, see that they are the same, and conclude that they must have had an overstock piece. Clarification 3: Initial-releases of Transformers (such as minibots) sport the Pre-TF stamping (Takara in-circle), the same stamping as is found on Micro Change and Diaclone toys.
Let the fun begin... |
Section 1: Everbody has a Theory Theories abound. If it's one thing I've learned, it's that it doesn't pay to argue with people's convictions. Devvi, for example (Devi's Thoughts) is convinced that overstock doesn't exist. Argus, however (Argus's thoughts) would argue that they might have used the same molds initially for the Transformer market as was used in the Pre-TF market (Diaclone, Diakron, Joustra), so it would still count as overstock to the common man. And it's the common man that maintains that the best explanation for things like red Bumblebees, yellow Cliffjumpers, and the ever-lovavle Bumblejumper/Bumper is the simplest one; that they were overstock pieces. I *do* have an opinion. And I'll give it to you (eventually). :-) But first, let's clarify everyone's argument: It's an issue of semantics. Let's narrow down the argument for them. The question seems to be: Did Pre-TF units end up in Transformer packaging? Or not? Well, the answer is simple. Yes...and no. :-) It depends on what you personally believe, which is the big problem here. For example, I have a Cliffjumper here that was released on a US Transformer card. The toy and the copyright stamping are identical to this Pre-TF Cliffjumper (that I also happen to have sitting here). The only difference is the packaging. The toys are identical. Now tell me...do I have a Pre-TF Cliffjumper in Transformer packaging? Or do I have the initial-release of Cliffjumper, which just happened to be pushed out of the same mold as his Pre-TF counterpart? Suppose they were both made in the same factory, and probably within the same year (more on that below). Which do I have? Which one? Which one!?!!? Aarrgghh! You see the problem? Obviously, once the Takara only copyright has Hasbro added to it, it's no longer an issue; the toy is firmly considered a Transformer. But that still leaves us with a year (or two) of toys that cause collectors an endless series of arguments. :-) (See Also: Joebot's article on why variations happen). Compounding the problem is that we are unable to get definate answers on the manufacture of toys back in the day (see Mark's article about a former Hasbro brand manager). The article, which states (that because of the slow turn-around for changes), we would end up with a mix of product over the course of the product-run. The implication is that we'd have the same toys in Transformers packaging that we have in Pre-TF packaging. To quote Jon Stewert: "Whaaa...?" (Oh, and in the sameple above...what if the toys are loose, and the stickers are missing off the Cliffjumpers? That is to say, the Micro Change chest sticker is gone, no Autobot logo, and no head-sticker. The molding between Pre-TF and TF Cliffjumper (first release) is identical. There are no other identifying stickers. Now what? hehe. :-) Picture the scene in the factory: You're pushing out a pallet of Diaclone Lambor, and have just been told by your boss that these have to go in new boxes that say Transformer on them. Time to rip them open, discard the package, and put them in the new box (or send them to wherever they're getting repackaged). You shrug, give your boss the finger, and get back to work. Or picture this scene in a factory: You're pusing out a bin full of Diaclone Lambor, and have just been told by your boss that these toys are going to be put into a new package. You shrug, and keep producing the toys. After all, that's not your department. You just operate this mold machine. You crank out a few thousand Lambors (just like your buddy beside you on the next machine) when suddenly, the mold cracks. The mold-repair guy is called in, and, while he's repairing the crack, he cleans it out, makes a few adjustments, and (because of the boss) adds an updated manufacturer-stamping, in order to celebrate the glorious melding of Takara and Hasbro's new business venture... Or picture this scene in a factory: You're pusing out a bin full of Diaclone Lambor, and have just been told by your boss that your mold line is going to be shut down, as we have to create a new mold, with new injection points and an updated manufacturer-stamping, in order to celebrate the glorious melding of Takara and Hasbro's new business venture. You shrug, and walk out the door, because you've just been laid-off until the changes are complete... Wasn't that fun? So...based on the currently available information, either we have Pre-TF in Hasbro Transformer packaging, or toys *molded* from the same Pre-TF toy molds in Hasbro Transformer packaging. Or we have something else entirely that we haven't even discussed yet. Here's my question: Does it matter? That is, if the molding is the same on my Diaclone Prowl as it is on my first-release Transformer Prowl, who cares? Shouldn't I just be satisfied that I have the toy?
If you're one of the so-called 'normal people', then yes, it shouldn't matter. :-) However, we are interested in variations here, and this is an interesting yet puzzling problem that just doesn't seem to go away. |
Section 2: Putting a bee in Devvi and Argus' bonnet. Factories do tend to run off extra bits of stuff, as Himawari once told me. Others believe that maybe, because of bins of leftover parts (you don't throw this stuff away, after all) and newly-run parts, you could have a mix of Pre-TF and TF toys (on the toys themselves) in a Transformer packaging. It's just a theory (like everything else on this page) but it's interesting to think about nonetheless. Some of it would depend entirely on whether or not all the pieces of a Transformer toy could be found on one mold, or several. Part of this argument may be supported by transitional-changes in certain molds (Astrotrain comes to mind). Heck, sometimes, they run off extras of the entire molds (as the 14 or so extra Black Tracks in the market can attest). Then there's the case with Italy, which mixed up their Pre-TF and TF merchandice (See: Italian Variants). So why is it okay for one country to mix up their stuff, but not others? :-) Good question. If it happened there, perhaps it could happen here as well. Who knows?
(To Be Continued) |
Section 3: The Wrap-Up So, here are the possibilities, in short-form: 1) Leftover Pre-TF toys were put into Transformer packaging. 2) TF toys were run off the same molds as Pre-TF toys initially, and placed into TF packaging. 3) This argument is pointless, and doesn't matter. For those that asked for my opinion (Soupnazi in-particular) I thank you. It gave me a reason to cobble these random thoughts together. My opinion is this: until further information is available, the argument is pointless...unless and until we have enough evidence pointing us in one direction or the other.
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