Pre-TF Dinobots!

Diaclone Dinobots (called Dinosaur Robo) saw release in both Japan, and Italy. Like many Pre-TFs, the Dinosaur Robos underwent many mold and color changes before making it to American shores as Transformers. ;-) Below are pics and comparisons of the originals.


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My fav Pre-TF! His chest is blue, versus the red TF release (and, as his cartoon version was colored blue, it explains things nicely, eh?). In addition, the Pre-TF Swoop maintained a sharp-pointed beak (versus the round plastic ball on the end of the TF version), and gold-chrome weapons; some have commented on the fact this pre-Swoops wheels actually work decently. ;-)


Snarl's first release (in Japan and Italy) came black-bodied in both series. Make note of the longer tailspikes on the black version (note also the copystamping; again, real Diaclone dinos have a copyright stamp, while the fake ones don't). Later releases in Italy were the red 'Transformer' version in Diaclone GiG boxes. The initial-run of USA TFs carried over his mold quite faithfully (minus the tailspikes...though later versions of G1 were reworked from this baseline, changes which carried over to G2). Note also the existence of a fake Diaclone Snarl. Like the fake Grimlock (below) there are ways to tell it apart, such as the lack of copystamp and color-changes. More...

Snarl (Boxed) | Snarl (Insert) | Comparison of Diaclone vs Regular TF Tail Spikes


Slag came in blue and with chromed dino-horns in the Pre-TF Dinosaur Robo line (compared with the plain red plastic ones of the TF-version). This is consistant with both the Japanese and Italian versions. In the Transformer version, the horns were red and unchromed, and the chest was red. Then there was the Canadian version... :-)

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Grimlock had a blue waist compared to his red TF incarnation. Unfortunately, so did a popular fake, which people constantly try to pass off as a beware, and always look for the copyright stamping. More...

There are two versions of Pre-TF Grimlock that we're aware of. The initial versions had sharp dino teeth; subsequent Japanese versions (and most Italian versions) had the safety teeth (the ends were drimmed off, similar to how the jet wings were softened between Biaclone and TF).

Sharp vs Flat Teeth | Japanese vs Italian Dino | Japan vs Italy (Insert)


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I know you already know this, but...the reason the dinos have cockpits is for the Diaclone drivers...although I usually store extra weapons in mine. :-) Yes, even Swoop has a pilot...he can ride on his back (too-bad he didn't have a saddle). Speaking of weapons, did I mention chrome swords? Did I mention gold chrome swoop missles? Did I mention...well, you get the idea. ;-)

Interestingly, in the Pre-TF line, the Dinobots all fought against this creature...the Machine Dragon. Thankfully, this ugly thing didn't make it into the TF-Universe. Fugly. :-)

(See Also: My Fav Fake Dinos)