And then...then there is the mess that is Ultra-Magnus. Ya got a few hours? |
This unit started as but two-possible variations: rubber versus plastic wheeled. Good enough for the average american collector.
Then, we found a 'transition' plastic unit. Satisfys most variations freaks, right? This was our base information for quite some time. It had proved rather robust to casual variant scrutiny. It still does, actually. But there's more. :-) Type 1: Deluxe! The rubber-wheel, metal toe version. All chromed on the upper legs and gastanks, and it has a full paintjob. Yes, it has a windshield, too...the small head has full paint, and the large head has full paint, meaning on both the face, and the antennas. Type 2: A step up from type 3...it's ENHANCED, meaning it still is plastic, and no chrome, BUT it HAS a windshield, and the small cab's head has paint on it. In addition, the faceplate on the large head was painted. Type 3: The 'Kaybee' special...plastic wheels, plastic toes, no paint on anything, no chrome on anything, no windshield... Type 4: 2002 TRU Reissue...rubber-wheeled, fully-painted and chromed, has windshield...shorter smokestacks, longer missles (compared to any other release) and has several remolded/reinforced areas on the cab and trailer... More...
xxx And now, thanks to only the insane who collect all possible types...meet the rest of the variations of Ultra-Magnus. Special thanks to Particle Man, who spent many phone hours across the country comparing various toys with me. Here's a direct quote from him: "As I was going through my Ultra Magnus stuff tonight, I kept repeatedly asking myself one question- WHY THE HELL DID I EVER GET INTO VARIANTS?? -Needless to say I was cursing your name for the better part of the evening..." On that note, let's get started, shall we? The conclusion that there are 3 'base' Magnus units stems from the fact that I'm stubborn. :-) Besides, there are still only the 3 basic cab versions in the original release. Various other parts and accs are in a state of transition, spreading across multiple units, especially fists and trailers, but the base combination of units is still technically 3. Theoretically, you could claim that there are 4 base units (base-rubber, base-plastic, and a transitional of each). Then again, you can also claim that there are seven units, based on the trailers...8 counting the reissue. (That's my claim, actually, but more on that at the end of this page.) :-)
A final note on trailers: trailers come with, or without tail-lights (all plastic trailers seem to come with lights, since only some rubber-wheeled ones do, it is presumed to have been phased out of the design at that point). It is also interesting to note the color difference between the plastic and rubber-wheeled trailer components. Blue versus green, at it's most basic. Or blue versus turquoise, if you prefer. |
But wait! There's more. :-) Yes, not only do you get the above 8 trailers, but we also throw in five...count them...five different Magnus cabs at no extra charge! :-) (Technically 4, since cab #4 is a VERY minor change on cab 3, but I digress.) You can see where the 'transitional' problems begin, as there's only one rubber-wheeled cab to match to four rubber wheeled trailers. But hang with us; we'll get you through it yet. After Prime time, this fellow is a piece of cake, variant-wise.
Next up, we have 7, count'em 7 different Large-head types. Sorry to say, but it's true. In addition to the three paint-styles, you also have to contend with three mold types.
There is no further speculation thus far on head number 7. While normal enough in the paint area, the head is devoid of any brow ridges. We don't know why. Only two samples of this head have been discovered thus far. It's not a holdover from Powered Convoy's head, as even *he* has the brow ridges. (Pic) In addition, we do not believe head 4 exists. No one has ever come forward with a finding, so it's become pretty safe to say it never occurred (even if the pattern makes us want to believe there was one). :-) For more details on the unit that has the missing brow-indents head, look here. |
Nope, we're not done. :-) Moving on to the other accessories, we have the four different types of guns:
Missle Types: We currently have 3 missle-types (2 regular, 1 reissue). The two original ones are best described as large shaft/ring versus small shaft/ring. Or just large and small ringed, if you prefer. They both more-or-less fit any launcher type. No information is available as to whether or not the missle change was phased between multiple units, but I can tell you that the large missles come with the plastic unit, while the small ones go to the rubber one. The missles with the ridiculously longshaft is, of course, the reissue. :-)
There are a series of mold indents, or MIPS, on the back of the waist plates.
The front appears to be unchanged. I have them in no particular order, nor have I matched them up with a specific trailer. I leave that to posterity... :-) So get going, already!
Anal retentive content at its finest huh? |
From my experience, the chest plates are as unique as the trailer, with a good fit only for the trailer for which it is assigned to (transition fits last release rubber and first release plastic, for example).
Small fist types (all for right fists in palm view, ie thumb is facing left. Lowercase letter is peg pinhole) This section thanks to Particle Man.