Italian to American Name Conversion List the moment, it's just the Italian names. :-) Where appropriate, I'll add others. The euro-section, for example, has a number of cool name-changes that will need to be documented:

Italian Name = USA Name

Autobot Cars:

Commander = Optimus Prime
Convoy = Ultra Magnus
Tigre = Jazz
Saetta = Wheeljack
Canguro = Hound
Alert (Giaguaro) = Red Alert
Mistero = Mirage
Freccia = Sideswipe
Inferno = Inferno
(?)Blitz = Kup
Flash = Blurr

Decepticon Jets:

Astrum = Starscream
Corvo = Skywarp
Vampiro = Thundercracker


Tiran = Grimlock
Reptilo = Swoop


Bora = Springer
Ghibli = Sandstorm
Triplex 1 = Astrotrain
Triplex 2 = Blitzwing


Pentajet(gestault) = Superion (Gestault)
Radiant = Silverbolt
Log = Skydive
Tornado = Air Raid
Vertic = Slingshot
Optor= Fireflight

Defensor (Gestault) = Defensor (Gestault)
Drago = Hotspot
Sirena = First Aid
Phantom = Streetwise
Rasor = Blades
Chips = Groove

Computron (Gestault) = Computron (Gestault)
Scatterbot = Scattershot
Argobot = Nose Cone
Starbot = Light Speed
Radarbot = Afterburner
Rocketbot = Strafe

Devastator (Gestault) = Devastator (Gestault)
Scudo = Bonecrusher
Rostro = Hook
Rollo = Mixmaster
Macigno = Long Haul
Braccio = Scavenger
Ringhio = Scrapper

Pentacar (Gestault) = Menasor (Gestault)
Barracuda = Motormaster
Iguana = Dragstrip
Caimano = Breakdown
Squalo = Wildrider
Cobra = Dead End

Multiforce (Gestault) = Bruticus (Gestault)
Destroyer = Onslaught
Crasher = Swindle
Exploder = Blast-off
Bomber = Brawl
Vortex = Vortex

Predaking (Venduti Solo Separatamente) = Predaking (Gestault - Sold Only Separated)
Zannar = Chainclaw
Torox = Tantrum
Rinox = Headstrong
Falcon = Divebomb

Capo Dei Racerbots = Throttlebots:

Wagenbot = Goldbug
Scoutbot = Chase
Saterbot = Freeway
Trollbot = Rollbar
Strobot = Searchlight
Rollerbot = Wideload


Duobot = Chromedome
Cruiserbot = Highbrow
Goblin = Brainstorm
Blindobot = Hardhead
Scorpion = Scorponok
Tifon = Snapdragon
Tagor = Apeface


Guardian = Metroplex
Drekbot = Doublecross
Tigerbot = Grotusque
Booster & Gemini = Fastlane & Cloudraker
Iperbot = Sixshot

New Zealand: Skyquake = Crash
New Zealand: Stalker = Buzzard

Windsweeper = Rafale
Override = Furio
Dogfight = Orage
Crankcase = 4x4
Backstreet = Bitume
Ruckus = Rallye

Pretender vehicles:

Gunrunner = Armurio
Roadgrabber = Adherio

Ultra Pretenders:

Skyhammer = Enclume
Roadblock = Bulldozer

Mega Pretenders:

Crossblades = Alouette
Thunderwing = Foudre
Vroom = Vroom ;)

Pretender Figures:

Doubleheader = Bicephale
Pincher = Scorpion
Longtooth = Longues Dents
Bludgeon = Ossement
Stranglehold = Etrangleur
Octopunch = Pieuvre


Skystalker = Satello
Greasepit = Vidange
Ironworks = Chantier
Hot House = Cheminee
Airwave = Cumulus
Flattop = L'invincible
Overload = Surcharge
Roughstuff = Convoi
Skyhopper = Helico
Groundshaker = Tank