"Hello, here are the images of the tire variant on a G1 Hot Spot. The one on the left has the round hub cap surface while the one on the right has the flat cap surface. I hope these are of some use for you.
-Justin G
Now I see what you mean. I might have an explanation for this. The flat hubs are supposed to go on the front, while the curved ones are supposed to be on the back (similar to differing rims on a tractor-trailer set). Now, with the exception of the one in my junk box, all the rims on mine continue to follow this pattern (metal, plastic, plastic Macau, etc). However, I can easily forsee a situation where they can be swapped around both in the factory, or by a repair job. Take rid Mega-Octane; the 4-bolt pins for his wheelhubs were only supposed to be in the front tires, and the 5-pin in the back ones. But the factory workers put all 4 pins into the initial releases, a mix of 4 and 5 later, and when the 4's ran out...all 5's. :-)