(The following was recovered from Web.Archive.org and was originally posted on robotmonstertoys.com.)

Seeker Nose Gears

On this page we compare the G1, G2 , Takara Reissue, Jangar Repro, & KCC Repro.

     G1 Nose Gear used on all seeker jets 1984/85.
     G2 Nose Gear used on 1993 G2 Ramjet and Starscream.
     Takara Reissue 2000/2001.
     Reproduction of G1 Nose Gear by Jangar.
     Reproduction of G1 Nose Gear by KCC Collectibles.

Can't see the difference yet?  Let look at the G1 and the G2 side by side.

In the 1st photo, the G1 in on top. Note how the G2 has beveled edge on the wheels. The rear wheels are the same way.

In the next two photos the G1 is on the left.


Now let's compare the G1 gear to the recent Takara Reissue.


     In the three photos on the left the G1 Gear is on the left on each pair. Notice the number 5 just under the Takara Reissue wheel.
     The G1 is on the left on these photos too. Note how the Takara gear  is wider at the end near the wheels. The wheels are spread further apart on the Takara, too.
     Last two close-ups. Once again the G1 is on the left.

How to spot a KKC Reproduction.

     The only part of the gear reproduced is the black plastic shaft. The wheels are real G1 wheels taken from junk rear seeker landing gears.
     So far, the only way to tell is the fill hole near the tip of the shaft that has been sanded down. The fit is tight and the look is good.

Special thanks to Ken for his help on this one.

Hope this helps!