(The following was recovered from Web.Archive.org and was originally posted on home3.highway.ne.jp/nenriki.)
(Webmaster's Note: The original Animoprhs page all in Japanese and I wasn't able to translate the text. They're Animorphs though...so really, who cares? :-) If anyone can provide any detailed information about these toys, please send it in and we'll include it.)
| Jake / Tiger | Jake / Bear | Jake / Stingray | Marco / Gorilla | Marco / Beetle |
| Rachel / Lion | Cassie / Wolf | Tobias / Hawk (Deluxe) | Tobias / Hawk (Mega) |
| Ax / Scorpion | Ax / Panther | Jake, Marco, and Cassie / Tri-Rex |
| Visser Three / Inferno Creature | Visser Three | Taxxon / Alien | Yeerk |
Taco Bell Kids Meal Toys
| Jake / Lizard | Marco / Shark | Cassie / Anteaster | Rachel / Fly | Tobias / Hawk |
Pizza Hut Kids Meal Toys
| Animarker | Anistamper | Yeerk Mother Ship |