Makin' Tracks...
This little guy reminds me of the Rauoel character that hung out with Tracks from the G1 cartoon, and since he fits into the vehicle, well...

Now, one thing that pissed me flames on the hood! He's Tracks. He has to have them. I saw a pic for the blue Binaltech one, and it had the flames. So I ordered it...and was disappointed: no flame tampos! Grrr...well, time to dump the binaltech one. But now I'm stuck; I have an alternator Tracks that's naked as a gaybird without his flames. What to do?

I did what anyone would do...I asked my friend to make me some Alt Tracks flame stickers. :-) He came up with a modern interpretation that suits the style of vehicle quite well. I'm happy. Alt Tracks is happy. Binaltech Tracks can go into the dumpster.

Now that's more like it...proper flames. :-) And of-course, he looks even better back in his package: