My Favorite Knockoffs from OTFCC 04


Everyone has that goofy little thing that they hunt down for no reason other than they like them. Road Bots are mine. This year, thanks to Rose, I was finally able to score enough pieces to assemble my collection of Road Bots. What are Road Bots?

Road Bots are cool little plastic robots whose parts you disassemble and rearrange in order to make a vehicle. There are three types; a crane, a cement mixer, and a dumptruck (there might be other, though I've never seen them). Each has a unique transformation, and they come in a variety of colors.

The pegs on these fellows allow for multiple connections and other assorted shapes, though what I've pictured above are considered the standard transformation. I like them a lot. I can only hope that I'll find more parts to these guys as time goes on. I think it would be really neat to have 6 assorted construction vehicles. Maybe I can make a gestault out of them.